TCA Supply List 2023/2024
2-Year-Old Class
Please put your child’s name on items if possible.
1 containers of baby wipes
1 box of washable markers (primary colors)
1 box of (24 count) crayons
6 glue sticks
1 crayon box
1 pack watercolors
1 pair of blunt scissors
1 box of band aids
1 change of clothes (with name in a Ziploc bag to stay at school)
Disinfecting cleaner / Clorox Wipes
box of Tissue
Antibacterial Hand Soap
Extra cup or water bottle
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
Please put your child’s name on items if possible.
3-Year-Old Class
1 containers of baby wipes
1 box of washable markers (primary colors)
2 boxes of (24 count) crayons
6 glue sticks
1 crayon box
1 pack watercolors
1 pair of blunt scissors
1 box of band aids
1 change of clothes (with name in a Ziploc bag to stay at school)
Disinfecting cleaner / Clorox Wipes
1 box of Tissue
Antibacterial Hand Soap
Extra Cup or Water Bottle
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
Pre-K Class
2 bottles of liquid glue
1 box of band aids
#2 Pencils - 5
2 boxes of crayons (24 count)
8 glue sticks
1 pack of washable Markers (primary Colors)
Safety Scissors
1 pack of Colored pencils
1 pack of index cards
1 pack of Watercolors (Primary Colors)
1 Three Ring Binder w/ pockets front and back – 1 inch
1 pair of Headphones - No ear buds
1 change of clothes (labeled with name in a Ziploc bag to leave at school)
zip lock storage bags – gallon
Clorox Wipes
1 box of tissues
Plastic Pencil Box with Lid
Nap Mat and blanket for nap time
No Spill Water Bottle
Full size Backpack
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
8-10 glue sticks
2 bottles of liquid glue
1 pair of child size scissors
1 Plastic Pencil box (No pouch or metal)
1 pack of washable markers
1 pack of #2 pencils (No mechanical pencils)
1 pack of colored pencils
4 boxes of 24 pack crayons
1 pack of watercolors (primary colors)
Headphones for computer time (no wireless)
1 3 ring binder with front and back pocket (No larger than 1 inch)
1 spiral index cards
1 yellow three prong folder
1 blue three prong folder
1 pack of page protectors
1 pack of expo markers
1 Small box of band aids
1 box Quart size zip lock bags
1 box Gallon size zip lock bags
1 box of Tissues
Change of clothes (labeled with name in a Ziploc bag) (MUST BE A TCA UNIFORM)
Extra Water Bottle (to keep at school) (plastic ONLY)
NOTE: Please label all items with your child’s name on them.
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
1st Grade
1 solid blue folders with prongs and pockets
1 solid yellow folders with prongs and pockets
1 solid red folder with prongs and pockets
1 primary journal with picture space (creative story tablet)
1 small pack of pencils
1 pack of two dry erase markers (with thick end)
2 packs of 24 crayons
2 sticks of glue
1 pack of washable markers
1 pack of 2 highlighters
1 small box of band aids
1 hard pencil box with a lid (no pouches please)
1 one inch three ringed binder
2 packs of beginner lined paper (loose leaf)
1 pair of scissors
1 ruler
1 small box of storage bags (quart or gallon)
1 pair of headphones
Lysol spray
1 pack of colored pencils
1 pack of skinny dry erase markers
1 bottle of liquid glue
2 primary writing tablet books
Please label everything with your child’s name.
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
2nd Grade
2 boxes 24 count crayons
4 glue sticks
1 bottle of liquid glue
1 box of washable markers
1 pair safety scissors
12 #2 pencils
4 dry erase markers - only black
Pencil box standard size
2 one inch three ring binder
2 three prong folders with pockets
2 spiral notebooks-wide rule
Sticky notes for lit circles
10 sheet protectors
Quart size or gallon size ziploc bags
Clorox wipes
Label items with student names.
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
3rd Grade
2 (1 ½ inch) 3 ring binder (with pockets)
1composition notebooks – wide rule
1 box ziploc bags (Boys--gallon) (Girls--quart)
10 page protector sheets (You can put inside 3 ring binder.)
Pencil top erasers or large pink erasers
1 box of colored pencils
1 box of crayons (24 count)
1 box of washable markers (8 count)
1 pack wide-ruled notebook paper--loose-leaf
1 pair of student scissors
Glue sticks - 4
1 box of band aids
Headphones or earbuds
Pencil box
4 count skinny expo markers
2 boxes of tissues
Lysol spray
Clorox wipes
Extra water bottle to keep in the room (in the event student forgets a water bottle)
Label items with student names.
TCA Supply List 2023/2024
4th and 5th Grade
One Binder, 3-ring, 1.5” Heavy Duty with pockets inside
Two packs of wide ruled filler paper (500 sheets total)
One pack Tab dividers, 3-ring with pockets
pencils (sharpened or mechanical)
One pack colored pencils
One pack crayons (24 count)
One pack markers, washable, classic colors (8 count)
Pencil top erasers
Two ink pens, blue ink
One pair student scissors
Two packs stick glue
One pair earbuds or headphones
One pencil box
One pocket folder (without prongs)
One- 4 pk skinny expo
One composition notebook
One spiral notebook (100 pages)
One pack sticky notes (any shape/design/color)
One 3-ring binder pencil pouch
Two highlighters (your choice of colors)
Lysol spray
Clorox wipes
Label items with student names.